sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013


Welcome to Manu Jungle Trips In Peru Center

Is characterized by an Agency Tour Operator of the Peruvian Amazon and give very detailed information of the reserves of Peru Manu National Reserve, Reserve TamboPata Candamo, Megantoni Reserve (Pongo Maynique), Pacaya Samiria Reserve ahuayo Mishana (Iquitos), the Velo de Novia (Pucallpa) give important information from sites such as Machu Picchu, Cuzco, Puno and Lake Titicaca, Arequipa Colca Canyon, Nazca Buggies and Sand boarding Lines Nazca, Paracas Ballestas Islands, HuacaChina Ica, Huánuco cave of Las Lechuzas Chiclayo, Trujillo, Cajamarca, Ayacucho, Chachapoyas, Huaraz, Tarapoto Sauce Lagoon, Ancash.

Oficina:                   Calle Plateros N° 314, Cusco – PERÚ

Teléfono/Fax:       +51 (84) 255527

Celular:                 +51 084 984388783 / 984 430803

E-mail:  tambopata.reserve@hotmil.com / jungletripsadventure_ecr@hotmail.com / info@manujungletrips.com

Website: http://www.manujungletrips.com